"Keystone. Gate. Crossroads. Catalyst.
Fitz is about to discover the truth about the Fool's prophecy. Having been resurrected from his fatar tortures in Regal's dungeons, Fitz has once more foiled the Prince's attempts to be rid of him.
Now, restored to his own body, Fitz, begins the painful, slow process of learning to be a man again. He must learn to cast off the wild ways of the wolf and return to the human world: a world beset ever more viciously by the relentless Red Ship Raiders who are now free to plunder any costal town they please. But more immedietely, a world in which Fitz finds he is utterly alone.
Regal has strippt th kingdom of its riches and retired to the inland city of Tradenford. Of Verity, on his quest to find the legandare Elderlings, there has been no word; Molly, Kettericken and the Fool have all vanished.
Unless Fitz can find Verity and help in his quest, the Six Duchies will perish and there will be nog safe place to live."
Den sista boken, har läst dem på pocket, är på över 800 sidor och jag har läst ut den på lite drygt en vecka. Alltså den har bara sugit med mig in dess värld och det har varit svårt att släppa taget. Jag hoppas att Isäntä kommer att läsa dem oxå så att jag kan få höra vad han säger.
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